To Persevere or Not - That Is the Question…

by Fiona Monaghan

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. James 1:12 (ESV)

Definition of perseverance: continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition: the action or condition or an instance of persevering : steadfastness.

When I think of perseverance I am drawn to the story of Joseph in Genesis. Of all the stories of someone who could have given up and thought his life over, it would have been Joseph. At 17, he was sold by his brothers, who hated him, to some passing nomads. He worked as a slave and through hard work and integrity was given a position of authority. Then he was accused of indecent liberties when he stood strong against lies. Was put in prison for years before being placed in a position of great power. It was his perseverance and faith in his God that stood him in strong stead. He couldn’t have known at 17 that he would be at 40, second in command in Egypt during a great famine. He stated to the brothers who had sold him, “that what they had meant for bad, God had meant for good.” Reconciliation with his brothers was made available with this awesome understanding that God was in control of his life.

Where do we get that kind of perseverance? It can be found in the things we hold important and unshakeable. When we believe God has good things in store for us. That he loves and cares about us. That He has given everything in order for us to have relationship with Him through His Son. That He won’t leave us alone to handle this life, but will be there in it with us.

Paul, in writing this to the Philippians, also had to stand against many obstacles and hold strong to his faith in God as a rewarder of great things to those who stand strong and believed. He faced many obstacles, punishment and also great accomplishments. He penned many letters of encouragement in the New Testament.

For myself, I have learned perseverance when in places of aloneness. When life didn’t pan out as I had hoped. When I had to rebuild my faith from the ground up. To seek out who God was and what He wanted for me and from me. I am sure I am not alone in this. We have all been in those places where we feel stripped bare of support or comfort and find out just what we believe in and if it will stand the test. God has promised us many things if we trust Him, and He has not disappointed. Stand strong and steadfast.

Join us this Sunday at 10:30am on Facebook Live, YouTube or the Church app or website, when Pastor Tim wraps up this series with the sermon “Every Comeback Needs Perseverance.” Bring your notebook or iPad to make note of these inspiring points he will deliver.