Friends Find Freedom

By Pastor Jared

Philippians 4:13 is often quoted by celebrities; “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” By itself it is an encouraging quote. In context it is even more potent. The rest of Chapter 4 paints a picture of why the author said that. He wasn’t necessarily encouraging people to chase their dreams or to work hard, although people often quote it that way. You might be surprised by what the author was actually talking about. Philippians 4 talks about fighting friends and how we can all find peace in God. Let’s re-write the scripture to help us relate. 

Imagine a private Facebook message. Your close friend moved one year ago and today they messaged you for the first time. They heard through the grapevine that two of your mutual friends are fighting: 

I love you so much (verse 1). Please help our friends get along back home. We've come so far and have been through so much together (verses 2-3). Stay positive. The peace of God transcends any disaster (verses 4-7). It might help if you keep your minds on what is good, rather than focusing on what’s wrong (verse 8). I’ve been both rich and poor, and it taught me to be content with whatever I'm going through (verse 12). I was able to find contentment because
 I can do all things through him who strengthens me. (verse 13). Tell everyone I say hi. My family over here say hi and they miss you so much (verse 21).” 

Philippians 4 (paraphrased above) tells a passionate story about friendship, anxiety, fighting and trusting God. The encouragement we are left with is this: We can always find freedom and capture contentment because God’s peace transcends painful situations.

Please Join us this Sunday, February 21st, on Facebook Live, You Tube or the church webpage as Pastor Tim wraps up his series from Philippians as we explore Chapter 4. His message for this week is entitled “Think Excellence.”