Christ Followers We Have a Mission

By Pastor Tim White

The United States has never been more divided since 1860 when we split into two opposing armies. The casualties were 620,000 according to an 1889 study by William Fox and Thomas Livermore. Today we know that those numbers are way low.  Modern studies of civilian collateral damage finds that it is disproportionately higher than military deaths or projected civilian deaths. The war was fought over many things. Slavery was one, although deconstructionist historians minimize it. We are all smart enough to know about the Missouri Compromise and the Anti-Slavery movement prior to the war. But yes, there were economic issues and State’s Rights issues that were at play. There was transformation of our economy from a homestead economy to plantations and a market economy. Yes - many factors but a divided nation. 

February 6th is a day that will live in infamy.   Whatever the cause many people (thousands) stormed our nation’s Capital calling out the Vice President to be hung. The result was the symbol of our democracy defiled and police beaten with the American flag and 5 dead.

This division in our nation did not begin yesterday. It began with overstatements by both sides for years. A Press on both sides which forgot what unbiased reporting looked like. And after Fox News disagreed with Feb. 6th, among other things, many people got their news from unrestrained resources.

That’s where we come in with Our Mission in 1 John 4:7-8.  We are here to heal the world with loving relationships. Throughout history Christians have held nations together with love. Whether Herod was the leader, or Caesar, or even through Soviet ruling.

We do this by: 
1) Praying for our President. The less we like them the more we pray.

2) Making sure our churches are loving enough to draw diversity of ideas.

3) Asking questions and building friendships with people who think differently from us.

4) Ministering to the greatest hurts in the world as strongly as we can.

Nobody wants a Civil War. People forget why they are fighting. and morality drops to an immoral level. So, let’s get to work Washington Cathedral our mission is clear.

Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White

PS: Join us on Sunday morning at 10:30am for this new sermon series. We are on Facebook Live, You Tube or the church Web page.