A Change of Mind

By Fiona Monaghan

“It requires conscious decision and effort to keep our primary goal constantly in front of us.” Oswald Chambers.

We make it our aim… to be well pleasing to Him. 1 Corinthians 5:9

It is our job to make the adjustments necessary in our daily walk, so we are prepared for any assignment. We don’t know what will be required in days to come, but the prepping, the studying to be ready for it, starts now. This happens in the quiet, thoughtful places. We won’t have time to pull it all together at the time of crisis. Having the “tanks filled”, all preparations made, and the communication lines established, then be ready and on the alert.

This was addressed in a sermon I heard on the disciple, Peter. At the time of his denial in the courtyard, Peter had been given the opportunity to “tank up”. Peter was with Jesus in the garden and three times Jesus came to the disciples and admonished them to pray. Luke 22:46.

In essence things were going to get messy, “stoke the fires”, get strength from the Father.” Jesus did. He was human and God, but still needed that time of prayer. How much more do we, being fully human, need to pray? “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” Mark 14:38

We will be tested and it’s through difficulty we know what lies in our hearts and what needs to be sifted out. “The chain of command is clear. Satan can do nothing outside of God’s domain and God uses satan to advance the cause of His kingdom.” Our assignment is to be ready and primed for anything; as it is not at the time of battle to get our equipment in working order, but to have it at the ready all the time.

Note: Join us Sunday for worship In Person at Spirit Falls Sanctuary in Redmond or Online at Facebook Live, YouTube Live, www.wacathedral.org or WaCathedral App. Pastor Tim will be sharing a great message “Rewire Your Mind” as part of our Summer series “Battle for Your Mind.” Hope to see you.