Rock Bottom

By Pastor Tim White

Have you ever been there? I have. At least I think it was rock bottom. But you never know. There may be a bottom below that. This week I am preaching from the inspiration of the Book of Job and we have entitled this message … “Let’s Get Practical”.

 Job shares in his story when he finally tells his friends they are discouraging him with their encouragement. “Though God would slay me yet will I trust him.”  Here he is displaying practical wisdom from rock bottom. He is showing a skill that we would all do well to learn. He is reacting to the smallest trickle of hope.  When we are at the bottom, we have high expectations for how we will be rescued. We want all of life to make sense and for God to completely explain himself in response to our demands. Begin the glorious symphony music as it all turns around in this moment.  But - and this is a big but… (I can hear Bevis saying and chuckling …Pastor Tim said Butt!) ... but life rarely if ever works out this way. I know it does in the conclusion of movies and 1 hour TV shows, but not real life. In real life we say this doesn’t make complete sense but let’s move ahead.  “This though he would slay me, yet I will trust him.” How do we move ahead when God never fully explains everything? Make sure you turn in this way to find out.

 Join us this Sunday at 10:30am for In Person worship in the Sanctuary or online at You Tube, Facebook Live or the Church Apps, as we explore this very appropriate sermon for these days.

 Pastor Tim White