
by Pastor Tim White

We all need encouragement. It is nutrition for the soul. The other day I received a note via Twitter from a friend of mine from high school. We haven’t spoken in… I want to say forty years. He was our school’s basketball star and we hung around together most of our senior year.  Out of the blue comes a note on Twitter.  He mentioned that he and some of the fellow athletes we were friends with had met for lunch. He went on to mention some of the complimentary things that were said about me as a quarterback in high school. When you are 66 years old and you can hardly walk that’s about as an encouraging a message you get. Because the older we get the better we were. 

I find my job as encourager one of my highest callings. I pray without ceasing for my kids and grandkids.  I am so overwhelmed by the masterpiece of their personalities and giftedness that I just can’t handle it. I’m reminded of when they were kids and Jackie would love to just watch them sleep. It is like looking over the mountain range you have just hiked through and you just stand in the pass mesmerized by the beautiful sights, sounds and memories. I don’t know about you I just can’t take it all in.  When I am praying for them about some issue, I end up moving through the pictures on my phone and praying “thank you, thank you.”

I feel that way when praying for every member of our church. While looking through their posted pictures saying “thank you God for making a masterpiece and allowing me to be their pastor. Help me to find ways to encourage them.” Encouragement is nutrition for the soul.  And there is nothing more encouraging than to study God’s Word together. Tapping into his mighty love and redirecting our lives towards his purposes.

Would you please join me this Sunday as we worship Jesus together and tap into the enthusiasm that only he can provide for our life mission? We meet in person at 10:30am in the Sanctuary or online with You Tube, Facebook Live or the Church Apps. Join us and be encouraged!