By Pastor Tim White
When people are to grow towards becoming the people God designed them to be - first they must learn to listen to the Spirit of God. God’s Spirit is like the wind. You can’t see him, but you can see his impact; just as you can’t see the wind, but you can see the trees, a kite, a wind sock, your hair, leaves or tumbleweeds. God is moving at Washington Cathedral.
On Easter 2020 churches had to close around our nation due to Covid. We scrambled to put our service on-line. And wow what a surprise! We had over 10,000 people around the world watching. Previously the largest service we had ever was the Christmas Service at Meydenbauer with over 6,000 attending. We averaged in that Covid year maybe 600 people a week watching on-line until Christmas where we had 20,000 people watching. We spent a lot of time leading people into a personal relationship with Christ or answering questions and praying with people.
On Easter 2021 we were astonished to have over 40,000 people. And by Fall we were averaging over 10,000 a week. People from Kenya, Honduras, Peru, and Brazil were increasing in numbers worshiping with us. In person numbers were still small but dynamic. But in February of 2022 we had over 40,000 watches on a non-descript week. Finally, Easter a couple of weeks ago over 103,000 people checked in to watch the service. And on Wednesday after Easter the Board voted unanimously to hire a new young family’s pastor who we hope will grow to be our new senior/ lead pastor in the next three and a half years. I will stay around to encourage and have the back of our new young pastor after retiring in the Fall of 2025 but I’m still going to be involved in this great caring network. We aren’t going to announce who our dynamic new pastor will be until he has had a chance to inform his much-loved church, that God has led him to accept a call to Washington Cathedral. But until then let’s all just celebrate that God is on the move.
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White