Listen to Your Mom

By Pastor Tim White

We have the privilege, on our staff, of serving with a young mother. Chelsea Maitland is an inspirational person. Jackie and I love it so much when she talks about her two amazing toddler boys.  She just beams joy, contentment, and hope when she talks about them. And every story about her babies just brings back so many good memories helping us to remember how much we love our kids.

We will honor mothers this weekend. And yes, God speaks to us through mothers…so listen to your mom.

The first women that arrived at the empty tomb of Jesus ran back to the rest of the disciples telling them about a resurrected savior.  We wouldn’t know about Easter if it wasn’t for women who were preaching the good news.

Moms speak to us in so many ways. They tell us to make our beds, to share, to toughen up and never give up. They teach us compassion, kindness, hope and that we are unique and loved.   In the church there are women who don’t have kids and they make us the church by loving those without positive role models.

My mom is Elizabeth Jane Cundiff Saunders White. She has helped form at least half of my personality. If Washington Cathedral is, or ever has been, or ever will be, a great caring network, it is because of my mom. If you didn’t know my mom broke her neck in two places last summer. Surgery presented the highest probability of death or life-long paralysis. She wears one of the neck braces and continues to do the things she has done her whole life. Loving her family and friends is the simple life focus of my mom. The other day I was talking to her and suggested that she does not continue cooking for my dad, doing the dishes or serving so many people. She said,
“Timothy, I have been caring for your dad for nearly sixty years and I am going to continue to be your dad’s best friend and helper as long as I live. And that is all I am going to say about that.”
Allow a mom to speak to you from God - so listen to your mom.

Please join us either in the in-person or on-line service (Facebook Live, Church Apps or
You Tube) this Mother’s Day at 10:30am. We would love to see you in person as we celebrate Mothers.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White