Be Careful Who You Follow
Have you ever known a good person whose downfall came when they simply followed the wrong leader? Of course, we all have.
Maybe they started doing drugs in high school. It was an understandable slip. All of us needed to be a part of the cool crowd when we were that young and our hormones were raging. Maybe they were told it was marijuana and they accidentally used some drug which took over their lives. Years later it feels like they do not have a soul. They would lie to their mother to get what they want.
The Book of Revelation warns us to be careful who you follow. It predicts a day when churches are going to do everything they can to undercut pastors so that morality melts into something no one believes in, then the whole church will slide. There will no longer be a safe place for those who need conversion. The church will become an afterthought priority for Christians. Christians will become people who follow Christ in name only. All of this and so much more is predicted because we allow ourselves to follow the wrong people.
If you want to succeed in sports, business, family, or anything else in life then be careful who you follow. Join us this Sunday at 10:30 am online or in person as I return to the pulpit to share a life changing message - from the Book of Revelation.
Your friend for the rest of my life.
Pastor Tim White