By Pastor Tim White

The other night Jackie and I drove all the way from Wallowa Lake to our home in one long trip.  Earlier I had driven from Redmond to the Lapwai, Idaho Nez Perce reservation to meet with their tribal council.  I came back with some kind of a bug which gave me body aches and chills. I also had a world record sore throat and headache. To say I was looking forward to soaking in a hot bath would to be like saying no one really appreciates modern indoor plumbing.

Yes, I needed a hot bath!  So, I had a smile on my face a mile long when I sat in the tub and started the water. Just the sound of the water flowing, the smell of bath salts in the water, and the steam rising, made me so excited about this much-needed soak.

I climbed in and realized the water was lukewarm.  Not freezing cold but not warm in the slightest. And to top it off it was not holding water- my bathtub was slowly leaking out.  Within 5 minutes I was out of the tub and getting ready for bed. Jackie asked me, how was your bath?  Was it really nice? Do you feel better?

I didn’t say no it was terrible. But I did confess it was lukewarm.  I think we blew a fuse.  She looked at me compassionately. Because everyone knows what it’s like to get lukewarm when you are dreaming of a hot bath. Right?

Well the text in Revelation sums up the book by teaching us that lukewarm is not good enough. The last book of the Bible will teach us how to escape being lukewarm.  And this could save your marriage, your family, and your career. Won’t you join us this Sunday morning at 10:30? We are meeting in-person or online via Facebook Live, YouTube, or the church app.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White