Rekindle the fire within you!

Pastor Mark Nsimbi and I are beginning a new sermon series together at Washington Cathedral. This Sunday, September 11th, in-person in our Redmond sanctuary and online (via YouTube, Facebook Live, and our church app), I will begin the series on living in the fullness of the Spirit.

Imagine you invite Jesus into your home, but you forbid him to go into the garage, your kid’s rooms, or your bedroom! Imagine you limit him from going into your office, entertainment room, or your kitchen.

Real spiritual health is allowing Jesus to come into all parts of your home, to bless every part of your life.

Many of you have been asking if hiring Pastor Mark means that my time as a pastor here is over. Let me share again the church’s plan for transition:

For the next year and a half Pastor Mark will focus on building up our young families ministry, and my job will be to continue to lead Washington Cathedral through this exciting transition. I will pour my heart and life into Pastor Mark and the future leaders of our great caring network. Then, in March 2024 we will transition Pastor Mark into becoming our new lead pastor. For a year and a half following that I hope to be on staff working and backing-up pastor Mark. I will then resign from the church as a pastor and in September of 2025 I will retire and continue to be a member of this church- supporting pastor Mark’s ministry any way I can.

It is going to be an exciting three years. Won’t you join me in following God through this transition?

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

What a great week to worship God!

How do we invite God into our decisions?

This week we will hear from our new family ministries pastor, Mark Nsimbi. He will share with us some biblical principles on walking in the Spirit by studying with us about David’s mighty men- who learned to rely on God for direction, rather than run away from worry.

It’s going to be a great Sunday to kick-off the autumn because the music is going to be great. We'll share a potluck barbecue to welcome the Nsimbi family to our church family. I’m looking forward to an outstanding moment to start the coming year. So bring yourself, bring a side dish, and let’s celebrate together.

Bless us all by your attendance and join us at 10:30 AM in-person or online via Facebook Live, YouTube, or our church App.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

By Pastor Tim White

The other night Jackie and I drove all the way from Wallowa Lake to our home in one long trip.  Earlier I had driven from Redmond to the Lapwai, Idaho Nez Perce reservation to meet with their tribal council.  I came back with some kind of a bug which gave me body aches and chills. I also had a world record sore throat and headache. To say I was looking forward to soaking in a hot bath would to be like saying no one really appreciates modern indoor plumbing.

Yes, I needed a hot bath!  So, I had a smile on my face a mile long when I sat in the tub and started the water. Just the sound of the water flowing, the smell of bath salts in the water, and the steam rising, made me so excited about this much-needed soak.

I climbed in and realized the water was lukewarm.  Not freezing cold but not warm in the slightest. And to top it off it was not holding water- my bathtub was slowly leaking out.  Within 5 minutes I was out of the tub and getting ready for bed. Jackie asked me, how was your bath?  Was it really nice? Do you feel better?

I didn’t say no it was terrible. But I did confess it was lukewarm.  I think we blew a fuse.  She looked at me compassionately. Because everyone knows what it’s like to get lukewarm when you are dreaming of a hot bath. Right?

Well the text in Revelation sums up the book by teaching us that lukewarm is not good enough. The last book of the Bible will teach us how to escape being lukewarm.  And this could save your marriage, your family, and your career. Won’t you join us this Sunday morning at 10:30? We are meeting in-person or online via Facebook Live, YouTube, or the church app.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Be Careful Who You Follow

 Have you ever known a good person whose downfall came when they simply followed the wrong leader?  Of course, we all have.   
Maybe they started doing drugs in high school.  It was an understandable slip. All of us needed to be a part of the cool crowd when we were that young and our hormones were raging.  Maybe they were told it was marijuana and they accidentally used some drug which took over their lives.  Years later it feels like they do not have a soul. They would lie to their mother to get what they want. 
The Book of Revelation warns us to be careful who you follow.  It predicts a day when churches are going to do everything they can to undercut pastors so that morality melts into something no one believes in, then the whole church will slide. There will no longer be a safe place for those who need conversion. The church will become an afterthought priority for Christians. Christians will become people who follow Christ in name only. All of this and so much more is predicted because we allow ourselves to follow the wrong people.   
If you want to succeed in sports, business, family, or anything else in life then be careful who you follow. Join us this Sunday at 10:30 am online or in person as I return to the pulpit to share a life changing message - from the Book of Revelation. 
Your friend for the rest of my life. 
Pastor Tim White 

Opposition In Life

By Pastor Michael Fernandez

The congregation of Smyrna, unlike Ephesus, was facing persecution, imprisonment for some, even death. The heart of the message was not repent but be faithful even to the point of death. In the message to Smyrna, the angel is a conquering Angel, and the Christians there a whole assembly of “conquerors”.

“Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches. The one who is victorious will not be hurt at all by the second death.” Revelation: 2:11 (NIV)

Each and every one of us will face opposition in life which is my topic today. Whether it is on the job, socially, from the world, physically, mentally, or as we age at home. I could go on, but you get the idea. The idea here is how do we handle the situation? I think the best way to handle it would be to ask the question - What is Jesus Christ doing in my life at this moment in time?

 Maybe that is the question we need to ask ourselves?

I am a pretty competent person and a pretty good task master. It seems the one lesson I continue to learn is to rely on Jesus - not Michael. My humanness always seems to get in the way. Every time I go to pray with someone in the hospital or meet in their home, I ask myself “what am I going to say to them. How am I going to encourage them?” Then, I still my heart and ask The Holy Spirit to lead me and guide me in my endeavor. Most of my life now has been spent nurturing and blessing our church family.

I must confess, life has not been easy of late. I get tired easily if I overexert myself. This has brought out some very old habit patterns from my youth. Swearing has popped up its ugly side occasionally. I absolutely hate it. It appears more when I am driving if you can believe that. I thought I had gotten rid of that decades ago. Now I’m working on getting rid of that issue once again and I will with God’s help.

Most of you know that I have been dealing with some physical issues as I have been diagnosed with Amyloidosis. It is not a cancer, but kind of acts like one. This disease produces a bad protein in one's system, over and over again. That protein attaches itself to your internal organs, (heart, lungs, liver, kidney, tongue etc.)  and can harden them. The doctors still can’t tell me how I got it. It can be inherited, mine was not. You can get it from myeloma cancer which I do not have. Only God knows how I have it. It reminds me daily that life is all too short. Have I adjusted my lifestyle? Yes. That’s why I’m still wearing a mask since my immune system is compromised through disease and treatment. More importantly, I’m totally relying on Jesus for my healing and living a quality life. I’m a fix-it person and I can’t fix this only the infinite healer can. Treatment appears to be moving in the right direction as I am still able to work at a high level. I praise Our Lord every day for breathing new life into me and not taking life for granted.  When I get hangry or tired is when I mess up. Every day now I search for peace even in the midst of my exhaustion, and I try to eat before I get hangry.

Remember, Whoever is victorious will not be harmed by the second death. The second coming of Christ and permanent spiritual death is for those unbelievers. And victory is for those who believe.

To unpack this more watch our service this coming Sunday August 14th at 10:30 am. Or join us in-person in the Spirit Falls Sanctuary at 10:30am. I believe you will gain a greater understanding of what this means in the lives we are living now.


Turning Lemons into Lemonade! 

We’re starting a new series of messages on the Book of Revelation.  I love that book and everyone in society wants to talk about it; and that is great.  Sometimes though, it can become defeatist - almost like some Christians are hoping that plagues, famines, earthquakes, storms, and persecution are going to hit everyone they don’t like.

In reality Revelation is a book for more than just the end times.  It’s to be read throughout history right up to the end times.  Anti-Christs' (yes, it’s sometimes used in the plural) have been around throughout history: Nero, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, etc., and yes, Elijah’s have appeared on the scene including John the Baptist, St. Francis, Martin Luther, John Wesley, Billy Sunday and Billy Graham.

There is a lot of good news in the Book of Revelation. This week’s message is Don’t Lose Your First Love, Ephesus - Turning Lemons into Lemonade. There will be a picnic right after worship. Included are a Lemonade Contest, Grilled Barbecue Chicken and Roasted Corn on the Cob. Please bring Potluck Side Dishes or Desserts to share. There will be a Lemon Toss Contest, Lemon Relays and a whole bunch of more fun lemon games.

Join us Sunday online (via You Tube, Facebook Live or Church Apps) or in person at 10:30 AM

Your friends for the rest of our lives,
Tim and Jackie White

“I Need More Cowbell!”

I have had a lot of strange sermon titles in my life of ministry, and I’ve enjoyed each one.  I remember when I had a sermon title “The Preacher Who Is Not All There”.  

This weekend I’m following that tradition as we conclude this series on great Old Testament heroes entitled, “God’s All-Stars”.  We are studying the life of Isaiah. He was such a unique person who made a stand for God. I’ve entitled this sermon, “I Need More Cowbell”.  It’s going to be fun, full of insight, and has the power to truly set you free.

Please join us on this beautiful Sunday at 10:30am in our sanctuary and enjoy our new air conditioning!  We are also online via YouTube, Facebook Live, or the Church App.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Tim White


Fire From Heaven

By Pastor Tim White

This morning I woke up to find out that my hero from high school Fran Tarkington had asked me if we could connect. I was so inspired as I wore #10 just to imitate him. I finally settled down when I realized he probably has a social media manager and doesn’t even know that we connected.

We have been studying God’s All-Star Team in the Old Testament; Moses, Jacob, Joseph, David, Gideon, and Deborah. It is always inspiring to study the great women and men in scripture, and we see a little of ourselves in them. They have weaknesses that shock us and strengths that we can aspire to. I have had the privilege in my short life (it seems short to me) to meet most of my heroes and get to know them.
Dallas Willard, Bruce Larson, Elisabeth Elliot, Paul Yonggi Cho, Robert Schuller, Bart Star,
Deacon Jones, Johnny Unitas, John Madden, Don Shula, Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, Fulton Buntain, Steve Largent, Carl Sagan, Bill Gates, Jody Allen, John Templeton, Rabbi Levine, Dorothy Stimpson Bullitt, Nobel Laureate - Dr. E. Donell Thomas. etc.

This week we study the life of Elijah one of the great men who ever lived on this planet. We see his strengths and weaknesses. I’ve entitled my message Fire from Heaven: A Study of Miracles. Please join us on Sunday at 10:30am at either the in person at church or online (via You Tube, Facebook Live or the Church Apps) because you will be inspired in studying Jesus Christ by looking at the life of Elijah.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

A Closer Look at the Face of God

 By Pastor Tim White

I am loving the James Webb telescopes infrared photos of the universe. The head of NASA said that this is an advance in science compatible to the first time Galileo looked into a telescope.

When we were visiting our grand kids in Texas, we all took a walk at night just to star gaze. Our granddaughter, who loves science said, “I never even liked astronomy before now I love it.” Our grandson Elijah so impressed me as he laid on his back on the grass looking at the universe and speaking so eloquently about the stars. It was a closer glimpse of an inspiring God for all of us; and sharing it with my first baby girl Elise just brought a deep sense of awe and well-being to me.

This Sunday, our good friend Pastor Linda will be sharing with us the uniqueness of the Old Testament leader, Deborah. I can’t think of anyone on earth I would love to hear more on this subject from, than Linda. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to get a closer look at the face of God. You will be inspired.

Join us at 10:30am this Sunday in either the in-person service or online via Facebook Live, You Tube or the Church apps. Remember too, that we are having a Food Drive. You can bring your non-perishable donations to church or stop by after church and drop them off and get a Free Hot Dog!

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White


You know that frustrating feeling when you don’t get something on the first attempt? Multiply that by 5,126 because that’s the number of failed prototypes Sir James Dyson went through over the course of 15 years before creating the eponymous best-selling bag-less vacuum cleaner that led to a net worth of $4.5 billion.

His cinematic output has grossed more than $9 billion and brought him 3 Academy Awards, but the master of the blockbuster was rejected TWICE by the University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts. Aside from that, this director also struggled with dyslexia which made it harder for him to cope with school. To date, he has won 11 Emmys, 3 Oscars, and 7 Golden Globes, and he’s one of the most successful directors of today. As their way of saying “Oops, I guess we were wrong about you,” the school built a building in honor of Steven Spielberg.

The list goes on and on of amazing people who had to bounce back from difficulties to break through to success.

This week’s sermon is on the life of Joseph, and it’s called “Getting Back Up”. Our whole world needs to hear this biblical truth right now. So won’t you join us in person at 10:30am on Sunday or on-line (via You Tube, Facebook Live or the Church Apps). It will be a blessing to you that you won’t forget.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White