Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

By Pastor Tim White

I don’t know about you, but Easter completely renews me. Forgiveness that is mine from the cross and unmeasurable hope from the resurrection.

We are beginning a brand-new series entitled Growing in God: Listening to the Wind. 

I chose this title because the thing those of us who have been touched by Resurrection Sunday want, is to grow and become the people God wants us to be. That’s the way to feel after Easter.

One of the main ways that we grow is learning to listen to God’s voice in our lives. Through scripture, through prayer, and through Christ-like relationships.  After the resurrection, Jesus taught us about the Spirit of God and how that because of his death and resurrection we can all be led by the Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament the word is Ruach or wind. That why the subtitle is listening to the wind.

Why not decide to be a part of this eight-week series and discover what God can do in your life if you learn to listen to his direction.  Join us either in person at 10:30am Sunday in the Sanctuary, or on-line via Facebook Live, You Tube or the Church Apps.

Your friend for the rest of my life.
Pastor Tim

Get Your Tail In Church This Easter

By Pastor Tim White

Easter is the moment for each of us to break through to a new level of dynamic faith - if we can only believe it! You will be inspired to believe at a more authentic level than you ever have before this Easter Sunday at 10:30 am.

If you can make it to our in-person service, it would be so important to Washington Cathedral. All over the world people have stopped coming to in-person services at their churches. It’s totally understandable with all we have gone through with the pandemic. On-line services are up, in fact, we had over 50,000 people view our service on just a normal week. Some churches have over a million. But at some point, we need to continue meeting in person to be a healthy church. We find people who are back to shopping, going to sports events, going to dinner or even a bar but still not coming back to church. It’s hard to make a church more than a crowd unless we can worship together in person. Why not try out going back or bring a friend at Easter. You are welcome to wear a mask if you want, but if you want to worship without one then it’s lawful to worship that way as well.

Our Special Guests this Easter are Ellaina Lewis who is one of the top young sopranos in the nation. Of course, you know Leon Patillo will also be there; and as the former lead singer for the band Santana, he brings a lot of energy and joy to the service. The resurrection drama will be better than ever. Eliot Stone and Chelsea Maitland have assembled a master worship team that have come to worship the Master. Including lead, rhythm and base guitars along with drums, piano, and keyboard leading worship in front of the waterfall. We will have hundreds of beautiful blossoming flowers. Pastors David and Carol are making a super breakfast before the service and there will be a fun Easter egg hunt for kids right after the worship service.

Friday night (April 15) at 7pm, Dr. Marty Folsom is leading a wonderful Good Friday service with the seven stages of the cross.

What a great Sunday to dare to come back to church in person. The world needs Christian faith and churches more than ever so please be a part of saving the church.

Your friend for the rest of our lives,

Pastors Tim and Jackie White

The Triumph of Jesus

By Pastor Tim White

In the early months of 2014, 700,000 people from our community, the Seahawks 12’s, braved freezing temps to line the streets of Seattle to celebrate our first Super Bowl Championship ever. The Seahawks in the parade said it was one of the greatest moments of their lives.

Palm Sunday is a bigger celebration then even that momentous event. It is our moment to sing and pray Hosanna! God save us! Blessed he who comes in the name of the Lord! We do this not because God needs to hear this - we celebrate Jesus because we need to pray this. We will all be better off because we say this.

This is the beginning of Holy Week. Starting with a great celebration on Palm Sunday (April 10) and recognizing the Stages of the Cross on Good Friday (April 15) at 7pm.We will all meet together for a wonderful breakfast at 9:30am on Easter Sunday morning. Then the Easter drama starring our own little Violet and the reenactment of the first Easter. Our praise band will be better than ever. Former Lead singer of Santana, Leon Patillo will be with us, as will one of the top sopranos in the nation, Ellaina Lewis, who will be sharing her wonderful voice with us.

This year is one of the most important Easter Sundays in the history of our great caring network. Even though we have 50,000 people from all over the world worship with us on-line it’s time to invite our friends to come back to church and worship in person. It will determine the future of the church post covid. So come in person and bring a friend.

Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White

Let’s kick off a very important Holy Week by bringing our celebration to Palm Sunday this Sunday at 10:30am, in the sanctuary or on-line with You Tube, Facebook or the church Apps.


We Are Family

By Pastor Tim White

I can’t believe all the internet scamming in our present age. I have literally had to change our credit card twice in two weeks and three times in one month. Finally, my banker asked me, “Pastor White have you ever thought of yourself as overly trusting to the point of being gullible?“
I replied, “Yes, yes I have always understood that about myself.” She went on, “Well quit thinking you have won a free computer from Best Buy or Costco or anyone else. And no! you did not win $10,000 from the federal government, or $100,000 from some billionaire! My goodness gracious!!” I paused and replied, “Well what if I really do win something and I miss it.” Pause,
“Oh my Gosh! Well, I will talk to you next time then, “replied my new banker friend.

That’s kind of the way people have come to look at the words of Jesus where he says, “Who is my mother, my brothers? Those who do the will of God are my mother, brothers and sisters.”

Today so many scams have been done in the name of Jesus that people are giving up on the family of God. Especially with all the abuse that has taken place. Some counselors justifiably question whether that metaphor can be used in our day and age. And so many people have created a metaphor of the church as a business. For a long time, I tried to follow this emphasis in the modern church, as did many other pastors. After seeing leader after leader fall under this system, I withdrew my approval of this metaphor. There were too many people without the qualifications trying to lead churches because they had business experience. They would get in the way of thoughtful biblical leaders and hurt a lot of people along the way. For this metaphor exaggerated the weakness of American business culture. It’s “all about me” and the end justifying the means. In one generation it took the United States with church attendance at 80% of churches down to 40%. It all happened with the best intentions by very good people.

Throughout the Bible the church is called the family of God, not a multimillion-dollar corporation. Members are people with unique needs not statistics in corporate growth. Every human being has a need to be surrounded by a positive, loving, forgiving, and encouraging community and respected as a family member of that community. Yes, we need to watch out for abuse by sticking with accountability. And, as a whole, we need to institute better safeguards to protect us from these instances. But we need to be a team, a family of God and not some ego driven corporation where it’s all about each person’s need for power.

Join me this Sunday at 10:30am either at the in-person or on-line service (via You Tube, Facebook Live or Church Apps) as we catch the vision of the church as a healthy family of God.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

By Pastor Tim White

Who Are You?

That is a question people all around you are asking every day. Even the people closest to you continue to ask that question in the secret part of their brains. Who is my mom during all she is going through? Who is my child now that they have grown up? Who is my boss? Who is my employee? It’s a question we ask of ourselves. For young adolescents it is a major issue for their mental health.

Maybe one of the most important questions Jesus ever asked was when he asked his closest friends – “who do men say that I am?” Not only was that the question of the hour, but it is a question we are still asking today.

Who are we and who is Jesus Christ? Join us this Sunday at 10:30am, as Dr. Marty Folsom speaks to this issue in our on-line service and in our in-person service. (Facebook Live, You Tube or the Church Apps) It’s a very important question and this Sunday is a very important time to ask it. Please join us.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White


By Pastor Tim White

Let’s learn to celebrate in the midst of life.  I love the words of Jesus. They speak to our hearts right in the middle of whatever we are facing in life right now.  In Mark 2:19-22, Jesus speaks our tendency to define religion in terms of just self-sacrifice, denying ourselves of the pleasures in life.  People are wondering why John the Baptist’s followers are fasting and denying themselves while Jesus’ followers are having fun with his disciples.

Join us this Sunday at 10:30am to either the on-line service (You Tube, Facebook Live or
church Apps) or in-person in our Sanctuary at Spirit Falls. We will study the scriptures to better understand the point Jesus is making and how it might help us to better communicate with the people in our lives. The music is going to be wonderful, and the fellowship is always up lifting.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

By Pastor Tim White

Quelling the church rumor mill

Dear Church Family,

Now that Pastor Linda has retired, several people from the congregation have approached me, asking if I am also retiring soon. Although both Pastor David and Pastor Linda have now retired, I’m not going anywhere soon! I continue to feel God’s call on my life to be your senior pastor until I retire in the next few years. I still have a lot of messages that God wants me to share. I still love to lead the church and be your pastor. Although my right leg remains quite swollen from the results of the infections and knee surgeries, there is hope of healing. I continue to follow the instructions of the doctors regarding physical therapy, elevating my leg and movement.

However, because Jackie and I continue to feel called to the dream that God gave us many years ago, we have begun the search for a new pastor that will be able to lead Washington Cathedral into the next generation. We have a highly qualified hiring team who are helping with this process. The new pastor will work at rebuilding our family ministries, while working closely with me be trained in all areas of being the lead pastor of the church. Please pray with us as we seek the person that God has planned for this vital position.

So, if you have heard rumors of me retiring right away, now you know the real scoop! Thank you for being a part of the great caring network called Washington Cathedral. I love you all and thank the Lord for your love and dedication to your church.

Join us Sunday at 10:30am for either in-person service or our on-line service. We will be looking at the words of Jesus in Mark where he speaks on forgiveness. It will be worth it. Also, don’t forget to change your clocks Saturday night!

Pastor Tim

Be Healed!

By Pastor Tim White

It is a good day to be alive! I am so looking forward to this Sunday to discuss with you God’s plan to heal everyone. Yes, Jesus often said, “I want to heal you, now walk, or see, or be clean.” People are so discouraged in life that they think God is to blame for all the sickness or pain in this world.

If you remember, I taught a series on the Book of Job in which we explored the issue of Why Bad Things Happen to Good People. I am not going to redo that series this Sunday, but I am going to look with you at the words of Jesus in Chapter 1 of Mark’s gospel, where a leper comes to him to be healed (Mark 1:40-45). He falls on his knees begging Jesus. That is the way we feel when we really need to be healed. He said to Jesus, “if you really wanted to make me clean you could.” Jesus says “I want to. Be clean.” The fact that God wants to heal us is a huge revelation for most people.

Let me share with you why people who have not yet been healed have a hard time continuing to come to church. We will discuss the design that God has for our bodies to work towards healing. And the thinking of those in the medical profession who have devoted their lives to work on healing other people. We will look at the interface of faith and disappointment and how we can move ahead in our own individualized healing process.

Please join us for worship this Sunday at 10:30am at either the on-line (You Tube, Facebook Live or Church Apps) or in-person service held at the inspirational Spirit falls Sanctuary surrounded by some of the most positive and encouraging people you will ever meet!

I look forward to seeing you there because I am your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White

Let’s Stop Working Against Ourselves

By Pastor Tim White

I love to study the words of Jesus Christ.  He is my Hero!  I look up to a lot of people but compared to Jesus there is no example that is even in the same ballpark.  He is my Lord and Savior, he is my friend that sticks closer than a brother, he is my Rock and my Fortress, he is my Joy, he is my Way, my Truth and my Life. I could go on and on, but my point is, what a blessing it is to read his words. 

In the first chapter of Mark, the disciples wake up to find that Jesus was already awake and off praying alone. They go to find him (and to me it kind of seems like they want to join him) but Jesus says to them, “let’s go preach the good news because this is why I have come.” Several times in the Bible, Jesus makes a focusing decision by saying “I have come that you might have life in its fullness. I have come to this world to bring a light so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” The list goes on and on.

Jesus knew what the purpose of his life was, and he chooses not to get sidetracked working against himself.  You see, most people are their own worst enemy.  They want to build a great marriage, but they envision getting out of it instead. They love their children, but in the heat of the moment they don’t listen to them.  They are gifted in music, but they have never really practiced very much. They want to be a good friend but can’t help but talk behind the back of another.  The examples could go on and on. I’ve been my own worst enemy and I suggest that you have been also. So, it’s not money that is the obstacle, or critics, or lack of support that prevents us from doing what we have been born to do.  It is US that prevent us from being all we are meant to be.

Join me this Sunday at 10:30am (on Facebook Live, You Tube or the Church Apps) as we break out of this trap and take a giant leap to be a little more like Jesus.

Your friend for the rest of my life,

Pastor Tim White


By Pastor Tim White

Quietness – The Key to Authentic Communication

We live in a noisy, noisy world. Almost every moment something is calling for our attention. In fact, it’s usually more than one thing. It’s our phones, or television, or a musical background, or more than one person trying to talk to us at the same time.

The words of Jesus speak powerfully to us in this day and age. “Be quiet,” said Jesus. But isn’t that easier said than done? Join us this Sunday to find out how you can bring a Balance of Quiet into your lives and Christ-Like Listening Skills into your communication.

YouTube, Facebook Live or the Church Apps are the place to join us online Sunday at 10:30am or for In-Person Service we welcome you to join us in our Sanctuary at 10:30am

Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim Whit