By Pastor Tim White
Becoming a Chariot of Fire
I love the movie Chariots of Fire. At the very beginning it shows people singing a beloved hymn in church which uses the phrase chariots of fire. It is not the theme song of the movie by Vangelis but rather a well-loved time-honored Christian hymn. The words are something like this.
I rise to worship, I stand to acclaim,
The king of all glory, Christ Jesus his name.
I ask you Lord Jesus, fulfill this desire.
Ignite me and make me a chariot of fire.
I think of all the chariots of fire that have blessed our church. And I am humbled, thrilled, joy filled, and enthused. Because in every church, parachurch, and community service organization there are those that are fully engaged and make things happen. I call them Faith’s All-Star Team.
One such Chariot of Fire was Pastor David Gerzsenye. As many of you know, our good friend Pastor David passed away early on Wednesday morning this week. He was recovering from Covid which he caught while on vacation with his wife Pastor Carol. He was looking forward to flying home after spending most of his time in the hospital there. He was still struggling to breathe and had a moment when he could not breathe and passed out and after riding to the hospital in an ambulance. Upon getting to the hospital, he took a few breaths and just slipped away to heaven.
We remember David as being the Singles Pastor at Washington Cathedral with his dear wife Carol. They reached thousands of people in our community with their positive faith to share. I don’t know how many came through the Divorce Recovery Workshops, but I believe it was up in the thousands.
Pastor David was the Men’s Ministry Director and we had so many inspirational retreats under his leadership. He was the Facilities Director for a while. He had been the Youth Pastor for a while and really had an impact on the young people of our church. And of course, he did hospital visits, counseling appointments, and some preaching. Many people cherish the experiences where David was the cook for church’s barbecues, breakfasts and banquets. He was like an army cook and would tease everyone and laugh with us and it just made the experience heavenly.
David loved his kids and his family. He loved his friends and those for whom he ministered to. He truly was one of the Chariots of Fire that made Washington Cathedral a great caring network. We will always remember him.
Our sermon series this summer is “Faith’s All-Star Team” and we will be studying each week the story of one of the great people in the Bible.
I love summer and the voting on Baseball’s All Stars, but it is even more exciting to think about those people who will make the All-Star Commitment of Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Moses, Gideon or Deborah, maybe even Pastor David. I wonder who the next All-Stars are to emerge from our church.
Join us Sunday at 10:30 am either in person or online (Facebook Live, You Tube or the Church Apps) to engage in this great adventure.
Your friend for the rest of my life,
Pastor Tim White